Trioxygen Clean
What is Ozone?
Ozone is a natural allotrope of oxygen, an element that can take on different crystalline forms, and therefore manifest different physical and physical-chemical properties. Oxygen is a molecule consisting of two atoms (O2), while ozone is an oxygen molecule consisting of 3 atoms.
The molecule of the three ozone atoms is highly unstable, with the third atom having a strong oxidizing potential, i.e. it causes damage to the fatty acids in the cell membrane of the structures to which it binds. This property makes ozone particularly as a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent, effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and bacterial and fungal spores.
What is the Mechanism of Action?
Ozone kills bacteria in few seconds with a process known as cell lysis: the third oxygen atom that makes up the ozone molecule (the most unstable one) binds to the cell membrane of a bacterium, interrupting the cell process of the bacterium and killing him. Ozone molecularly breaks the cell membrane, disperses the cell cytoplasm and makes reactivation impossible. For this reason, microorganisms cannot develop ozone resistant strains.
How does the “Trioxygen Clean” Ozone Sanitiser work?
The Trioxygen Clean sanitizer is a device that allows, through a generator, to create ozone through controlled electric discharges: the generator takes oxygen, composed of two O2 atoms, and connects it with a third oxygen atom, forming the Ozone molecule (O3). A few minutes after the end of the treatment, the ozone generated begins to convert into pure oxygen. The treatment therefore leaves no residue and at the same time manages to have a global effect within the environment in which it is performed.
Trioxygen Clean

Ozone is a very powerful oxidant and quickly attacks and destroys the best known bacteria. While some strains of bacteria can develop resistance to certain chemical disinfectants, they cannot develop resistance to ozone.
Unlike bleach, disinfectants and other cleaning methods, there have been no reported deaths in use for over 120 years. Ozone is empirically much safer than alternative cleaning methods. In addition, since ozone, after the reaction, degrades to molecular oxygen, does not leave residues harmful to health in the environment.
It is not dependent on the operator: it can be activated simply through a switch, unlike sterilization with chemical products, which are more subject to problems related to improper use and negligence.
A compact design, practical to be transported and which has already made history in the field of aesthetic medicine as case of Plexr.
Low Costs
The power used by the generator is like a small bulb so uses very little power consumption when operating.
Scientific Validations
The Italian Ministry of Health recognizes Ozone as a "natural protection for the sterilization of environments" (PROTOCOL N. 24482 OF 31 JULY 1996).
The FDA (Food & Drugs Administration), the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) have approved Ozone as an antimicrobial agent "GRAS", the USDA and the National Organic Program have also approved as an active principle for the sanitization of surfaces (plastic and stainless steel) in direct contact with food without the need for rinsing and with no chemical residue.
Technical Features
GMV's Trioxygen Clean sanitizer delivers a quantity of 5 g/h and is therefore able to produce a particularly high concentration of ozone, capable of speeding up the time for cleaning the rooms.
Example of use:
Room dimension: 50 m3
Time to clean: 30 minutes
Level of ozone reached: 4 ppm*
* GMV performed internal tests to check the effective value and compared it with other generators that declares the same quantity of delivered ozone (5 g/h). Trioxygen clean is the only generator that reaches the level of 4 ppm in the same conditions (other devices don’t overcome 2 ppm)

Indications of Use
Conditioning phase:
This is the phase in which you start to inject ozone into the room to be sanitized. This injection is carried out in such a way as to allow the programmed ozone concentration to be reached in a short time. The device also allows, through a simple timer, to set the delivery time.
Treatment phase:
This phase has the purpose of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the cycle, continuing for the time necessary for sanitization. At the end of this phase the generator will automatically stop working.
Ventilation phase:
This phase guarantees the elimination of ozone from the air in the treated room and continues until the ozone concentrations required for safety are reached.